Building Representatives
Timber Creek Building Representatives
Please see your Timber Creek directory for contact information. Building representatives are your point of contact for building questions. They’re not maintenance but can possibly assist in connecting you with who to contact. It’s also helpful to know which units are occupied, in case of an emergency.
Building Number Representative
300 & 400 Jim & Jan Terpstra
500 & 600 Peter Doherty &
Colleen Cipriana
700 Brenda Lopez
800 Beverly Hauke
900 Jeff Sluder
1000 Joyce Tevald
1100, 1200, 1300 David Wiles &
Dave Stewart
1400 & 1500 Maggie Stewart
1800 & 1900 Jackie Marti
Back gate helpers; David Wiles, Peter Doherty,
Jim Spangberg, Bob Long, Dave & Maggie Stewart, Bob Baker